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A Spring Sweater

I am counting down the days until spring arrives. I can’t wait to pack up my winter boots, jackets, and scarves. While spring doesn’t usually necessitate tank tops and flip flops, I do enjoy wearing beautiful pastel colored short sleeved shirts at this time. To stay warm during the cool spring mornings and nights, I often slip on a colorful sweater over my short sleeved blouse. Sweaters are a great way to bridge the gap in your wardrobe between the cold winter months and the hot summer months. If you currently don’t own any spring sweaters, now is a great time to stock up on them. On this blog, you will learn how to find the perfect sweaters to match your spring shirts. Enjoy!



A Spring Sweater

How To Improve Your Quality Of Sleep With A Travel Sleep Mask

by Anna Obrien

Do you find it difficult to sleep when away from the comfort of your bedroom? Some people are not comfortable in hotel rooms because of the constant movement and distractions. For these reasons, you should consider a travel sleep mask to help with getting a good night of sleep. Read on to find out how this accessory improves your quality of sleep.

What Is A Sleep Mask?

A sleep mask is a natural way to fight insomnia. It is made from a lightweight, molded foam that is covered in fabric. The mask covers both of your eyes, which blocks out light to prevent it from interrupting your sleep. Blocking out the light helps with triggering a state of pure darkness. A dark room contributes to a better night of sleep.

Decreases Time It Takes To Go To Sleep

When you use a sleep mask along with ear plugs, it decreases the amount of time it takes to go to sleep. These accessories also increase your Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is one of five stages of sleep that you experience at night. It causes your eyes to move randomly and quickly. This stage also paralyzes your muscles. REM sleep is when you have your most vivid dreams as well.

Awake Less Frequently

Melatonin is a hormone that is made by the pineal gland, which is a small gland in your brain. It controls your wake and sleep cycles. People who wear ear plugs and sleep masks tend to wake up less frequently during the night. Wearing your mask helps with keeping melatonin circulating in your blood at a high level.

How Important Is Sleep To Your Health?

Quality sleep protects your physical health, mental health, safety, and quality of life. The way you feel when awake depends on what occurs while you are sleeping. Your body works to provide support to maintain your health and to support healthy brain function. If you become sleep deprived, then it can be harmful to your overall health.  The damage from sleep deprivation occurs instantly or it takes time.

A travel sleep mask allows you to relax regardless of your location. It also allows you to tune out distractions, which can keep you from going to sleep. When travelling, you are always on the go because of participating in a multitude of activities. For these reason, it is important that you get enough sleep to maintain your strength and energy.
