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A Spring Sweater

I am counting down the days until spring arrives. I can’t wait to pack up my winter boots, jackets, and scarves. While spring doesn’t usually necessitate tank tops and flip flops, I do enjoy wearing beautiful pastel colored short sleeved shirts at this time. To stay warm during the cool spring mornings and nights, I often slip on a colorful sweater over my short sleeved blouse. Sweaters are a great way to bridge the gap in your wardrobe between the cold winter months and the hot summer months. If you currently don’t own any spring sweaters, now is a great time to stock up on them. On this blog, you will learn how to find the perfect sweaters to match your spring shirts. Enjoy!



A Spring Sweater

Worried About A Natural Disaster Or Emergency? Stock Your House The Right Way With These Things

by Anna Obrien

If you are worried about what would happen if there was a war, unexpected natural disaster, or emergency and you had to be prepared at home, there are some things that you want to have ready to go. You want to be ready for anything, and you want to be able to survive. You want to put some money aside, and invest some money into planning everything out properly. Here are some of the specifics you want to look into.

Food Survival Kits

You can buy pre-packaged food that doesn't need refrigerated or prepared. You can get what you need based on the amount of people you have in your family, and how long of a time you want to know you will have food. These are ideal for people that want something that is already created, and you don't have to put the food packages together on your own. Some kits allow you to pick all of the meals and dessert s that will be in the package.

Water and Fire Tools

You need the necessary tools that are required for water and fire. Water purification chemicals, tablets, and filters are ideal to have. Fire starters, and ways to keep fire going in case you don't have electricity or a way to stay warm is a must. These items can be purchased at an army surplus or survival store. You want to store some water by the bottle or gallon so you have some ready.

Army Surplus Supplies

You will need clothes, tools, medical kits and other ressources, and you can find these items at an army surplus supply store, like Bargain Center. This is an easy and affordable way to get the other types of items that you will want, and then you can keep them all in a safe storage area so they are ready to go when you  need them.

If you fear that one day you will wake up and there will be a natural disaster in your area or that there will be some other type of problem and you won't have the supplies you need, these are just some of the things that you want to look into. You can store it all in a dry area so it's ready to go if there is an issue that arises, and you will be able to care for yourself and for your family if you need to.
