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A Spring Sweater

I am counting down the days until spring arrives. I can’t wait to pack up my winter boots, jackets, and scarves. While spring doesn’t usually necessitate tank tops and flip flops, I do enjoy wearing beautiful pastel colored short sleeved shirts at this time. To stay warm during the cool spring mornings and nights, I often slip on a colorful sweater over my short sleeved blouse. Sweaters are a great way to bridge the gap in your wardrobe between the cold winter months and the hot summer months. If you currently don’t own any spring sweaters, now is a great time to stock up on them. On this blog, you will learn how to find the perfect sweaters to match your spring shirts. Enjoy!



A Spring Sweater

3 Key Tips When Selecting The Perfect Compression Stockings For Venous Disorders

by Anna Obrien

Compression stockings, such as from Sal-Liz, work great for many things, but one of their more important roles is treating venous disorders. They can actually de-block valves so that circulation is improved and blood flow is restored to the heart. For them to work correctly, though, you need to remember these selection tips.

Look for 'Medical Grade'

Not all compression stockings are equal. Some will not come with as much compression as you hope for to effectively treat your venous disorder. As a result, you need to be careful when looking for the right set.

Make sure that somewhere in the product description or packaging you can see the words 'medical grading'. This ensures the stockings have enough compression necessary to work from a medical standpoint. If you're not sure where to find 'medical grade' stockings, you can always get a recommendation from your doctor. They may even have a few samples that you can wear out of their office.

Select a Style 

Style plays a huge role in how your compression stockings look and feel. You have many great options to choose from today, including knee-highs, thigh-highs, sleeves, and hose. If you're looking for compression for your entire leg, thigh-high stockings are often recommended by doctors. 

For something that's a little easier and more comfortable to wear, you might consider knee-high stockings. Sleeves are often worn for athletic purposes because they aren't prone to sliding off, even if you're active. With hoses, you can cover both legs at a time and still benefit from compression. Try to find a style that suits your particular lifestyle.

Find the Right Fit 

Since compression stockings can vary quite a bit in terms of size, you should consider getting fitted. You can do this yourself from home. All you'll need is a soft measuring tape and some pen and paper to write down your measurements.

To find the perfect fit, you'll need to record the circumference around your ankle, calf, and thigh. Then, you'll need to measure how far up you want the compression stockings to go. With these measurements, you'll be able to quickly find stockings that fit perfectly and feature the right amount of compression.

Dealing with a venous disorder is never easy, as you may have to adjust your daily routines. Part of this involves wearing compression stockings daily. You can ensure they work great by assessing your particular needs. The more research you do, the better choice you can ultimately make for your health.
