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A Spring Sweater

I am counting down the days until spring arrives. I can’t wait to pack up my winter boots, jackets, and scarves. While spring doesn’t usually necessitate tank tops and flip flops, I do enjoy wearing beautiful pastel colored short sleeved shirts at this time. To stay warm during the cool spring mornings and nights, I often slip on a colorful sweater over my short sleeved blouse. Sweaters are a great way to bridge the gap in your wardrobe between the cold winter months and the hot summer months. If you currently don’t own any spring sweaters, now is a great time to stock up on them. On this blog, you will learn how to find the perfect sweaters to match your spring shirts. Enjoy!



A Spring Sweater

Three Ways a Suit Alteration Can Make You More Money

by Anna Obrien

Putting on the right suit can change a man. It is as if a good fitting suit can endow a man with power. Here are three reasons why a suit alteration may make you more money. 

1. Confidence

Several studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between the amount of confidence one exhibits, and the amount of money they make. Which makes sense if you think about it—leaders need to be confident; they need to be able to command a room and make friends easily using charisma. Many men have commented that they feel more confident with a suit that fits them well. A suit alteration is all about the individual. You aren't wearing your father's suit or following in his footsteps; you are a new man, ready to overcome his own challenges. An alteration is an investment in one's self. 

2. Professionalism

A suit can either make or break a man's look. An ill fitting suit makes one look sloppy and poor. Picture a man who works in a low paying job. All of his coworkers know that they work in a low paying job and dress accordingly in t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes. Then there is a man wearing a suit. It is obvious that, though his current job is not very lucrative, it is important to him. He takes his work seriously. Who is a boss more likely to promote to a managerial position? The man with the suit of course. Though he may not be working in a professional job right now, he is a professional. 

3. Focus

Why do many mothers tell their children to stay in their church clothes on Sunday? Why do some employers require business casual in the office? Why do private schools have dress codes? All these questions have the same answer: what an individual wears on any given day affects their focus. If a child wears a specific type of clothing to school it teaches them that once those clothes go on, it is time to learn. Sunday clothes help a child set the day apart from other days of the week. Business clothing helps employees elevate their focus from their normal lives to their work. Wearing a suit to work, no matter one's occupation is bound to help you focus more throughout the day. A greater amount of focus will allow for more work to be accomplished, which in turn may result in pay increases or raises. 
