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A Spring Sweater

I am counting down the days until spring arrives. I can’t wait to pack up my winter boots, jackets, and scarves. While spring doesn’t usually necessitate tank tops and flip flops, I do enjoy wearing beautiful pastel colored short sleeved shirts at this time. To stay warm during the cool spring mornings and nights, I often slip on a colorful sweater over my short sleeved blouse. Sweaters are a great way to bridge the gap in your wardrobe between the cold winter months and the hot summer months. If you currently don’t own any spring sweaters, now is a great time to stock up on them. On this blog, you will learn how to find the perfect sweaters to match your spring shirts. Enjoy!



A Spring Sweater

Tired Of Splitting Jeans? Here's The Solution

by Anna Obrien

When you find a great pair of jeans and like how they look, the last thing you want is for your jeans to split in the middle, forcing you to replace them. If your jeans do not fit you well, you might split them. If you are not turning them inside out when laundering, this could also lead to a tear. Washing your jeans too often and using a dryer can also lead to split jeans. But when you avoid all of these and still split your jeans, you may need to look for a more durable pair.

Buy Great Fabric

Always purchase heavier fabric when browsing for jeans. The heavier denim will feel different from a cheap weave. You may need to spend more money to make sure that you can purchase an excellent pair of jeans. The higher the thread count of the jeans, the better the quality and the less likely that it will tear. 

How much your jeans weigh affects how heavy they are and the quality of your jeans. For example, jeans that weigh less than 12 ounces are considered to be lightweight jeans and lower quality. 

Jeans that are heavier might feel less comfortable at first, but you simply need to break them in. After you have worn them for a while, your heavier jeans will feel great. Higher-quality jeans also just look better while also being durable. 

Check the Stitches

Great jeans have stitching that won't pull, unravel or split. Chain-stitching is one great form of stitching that consists of looped stitches that look like loops on a chain. Another form of stitching that looks great is double-stitching.

This consists of two rows of stitches that are placed close together. If you are not sure if the jeans are stitched together well, try pulling at them at the seams. If you feel the seams pulling apart, this is a sign that your jeans are poorly constructed. 

Find Out If They Stretch

If your jeans are able to stretch, they will likely have about 2% lycra or spandex. If they don't have enough, they won't stretch. If they have too much, your jeans will wear out and become baggier.

Fortunately, there are great jeans from companies that will last long. For example, reach out to Cowboy Up apparel retailer or another company that sells denim jeans to learn more about your denim options today.
